The Client Portal: Settings

Customize your client portal navigation, add brand-specific colors, connect your Google Analytics, and more in the new Client Portal Settings!

Your client portal default settings can be customized to fit your company's needs. These defaults allow you to provide your client with a branded experience throughout their planning process with your company. From the settings page, you can customize your company information and what of that information you want to show, set up your branding and analytics, and customize your navigation.

💡 You can adjust your Client Portal Settings defaults from the Main Menu under 'Client Portal'>'Portal Settings,' but you can also make adjustments per event. Within each event, you will see a 'Portal Settings' option in your top navigation to adjust your information for just that event. 

Company Info

The Client Info section will allow you to customize the information shown to your client on your Proposal and Invoicing pages. Toggle on or off the fields you want to show or hide. Your company information defaults will also automatically populate here, but you can adjust the information if you wish for something different to show in your client portal. 

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Branding & Analytics

The branding and analytics page will automatically populate with your default logo. If you'd like to change your logo, you'll have the option to do so here. 

 Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 11.41.10 AMNext, you can pick a favicon, which will live on your browser tab when your clients access the client portal. You'll see a corresponding color selector below where you can choose what color you would like your favicon to be.

In the Analytics section, you can add your Google Analytics ID to track the data from your client portal. 

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In addition to changing your Favicon color, you can change your text and accent colors. The text color will be the text for your Invoice and Navigation icons. The Accent Color will change the font text on your navigation and the buttons on your Invoice and Proposal. 


The Navigation tab will allow you to add custom navigation to your Client Portal. Want to have a link for your social account? How about a link to your main website? You can! 

At the top, you will use the toggles to choose what pages you want your navigation menu to show.


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Then, you will start adding your navigation options. You will automatically start with a Proposal and Invoice option, which you can remove if you would like. Remember that invoice options will only appear on this page if you are connected to Details Invoicing. 

Click the 'Add Option' button at the bottom to add as many options as you want. For each navigation option, you will select an icon, Name (also known as 'Label'), and the URL/Page you want that option to point to. 

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You can also choose whether you want each page to open in a new tab by clicking on the new tab icon on the right-hand side of each navigation option. Green means it opens in a new tab, and black means it will replace the current page they are looking at. 

Client Portal

Check out a short preview of an example client portal below! (1)-4