Account Settings: Privacy Mode Hidden Features

Privacy Mode hides all of the cost information within Details. Check out the complete list of all the areas hidden when Privacy Mode is enabled!

  • On the 'Event List': Outstanding balance, total paid, pre-tax total, grand total, and sales tax columns.
    Screenshot 2022-12-02 at 1.38.50 PM
  • On the 'Worksheet': The ingredient 'Costs' column, the 'Markup %,' and the 'Total Cost.'

    Screen Shot 2020-03-04 at 11.07.59 AM
  • In the 'Item Gallery': The 'Default Cost' 

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  • In the 'Recipe Gallery': The 'Default Cost' and the 'Markup' 

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  • The 'Costs' page: The entire 'Costs' page is hidden

    Screen Shot 2020-03-04 at 11.31.55 AM

All the spots highlighted above in red will be hidden when 'Privacy Mode' is enabled! Check out our short walkthrough video to see 'Privacy Mode' in action: