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The Item Gallery: Deleting and Restoring

Keeping a clean Item Gallery will help with productivity. Below, learn how to delete and restore items to your Item Gallery

In Details, when you delete an item, it is considered a 'soft delete, which means that you are able to restore it. The process is the same for both the Item Gallery and Recipe Gallery.

Delete an Item:

From the Item Gallery, you have two options for deleting items.

  • Click the trashcan icon in the top-right corner of any image tile.
  • From the table view of the gallery, click the 'X' on the right side of the item.

Note: Deleting items from the Gallery will not remove them from existing worksheets.

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Restore an Item:

Items can only be restored from the table view of the Item Gallery. To restore a deleted item, go to the table view of the gallery and click the 'Show Deleted' button. Locate the desired item and click the restore icon (it looks like a circle with an arrow).

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Note: If you're searching for an item and you cannot find it, it was more than likely deleted at some point in time. Look to see if it was deleted via the 'Show Deleted' button and then restore it!