Company Settings: Updating Account Settings & Defaults

While it's important for you to create your default settings when you became a Details Flowers customer, it's also just as important to update them as bloom costs change or as you find the need for different settings. 

Worried you'll impact events already in the system? Don't be! You're welcome to adjust any of your default settings at any time, including: 

  • Any item pricing, such as Blooms and Greenery.
  • Your Event Default Worksheet. 
  • The Financial Schedule

Any changes to the above will only reflect on new clients/events you add into the system moving forward! 

There is one exception to this: in anticipation of different pricing, you'll see the new estimated price on the Costs page for the event, but it will not change any recipe pricing!!

If you have updated your item costs and would like to update your recipes with this new cost, you can use the Item Cost Updator icon located by the Grand Total of your Worksheet.

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From there, select the items you want to update on your worksheet. (18)-1