The Proposal: Holly Chapple Template Features

Learn more about all of the additional options and features on the all-new Proposal Templates!

We know how important it is to stand out in such a visual industry. That's why we have added some new functionality with the introduction of the new 'Proposal' templates that will allow for even more customization! Let's dive in. 


All three of the new templates allow for even more imagery! We wanted to make sure that you were able to display the full vision for your clients and the best way to achieve that is through additional visual displays. 

Tips & Tricks Email Headers (6)


You will now be able to choose some accent colors for your Proposals. For example, you can change the title and background color on the 'Believe' and 'Faith' templates. You can also change the color of your accent lines on all three themes such as what is shown below. 

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In addition to new color options, there are also new layouts for your color palette! Take a look at the color palettes below for each new theme:

Tips & Tricks Email Headers (8)Footer

You now have the option to create a custom footer by either typing in your information or typing in a 'Proposal Token'. You can enter in one token or multiples tokens to create your ideal footer display. Token options include information such as your company address, phone number, zip code, and more! 

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Check out this article to learn even more about using Tokens and all of the available token options.