The Color Selector: Creating Custom Quick Colors

Details is pre-loaded with a set of quick colors to select from within the color selector. But did you know you could change them?

That's right! You can create your own custom set of quick colors to use within the Color Selector. Any color collection within the 'Collections' tab of the 'Color Selector' can be made into a set of quick colors taking the place of the current quick colors. 

To learn more about color collections and how they are made, click here!

So, how do you turn a color collection into your quick colors? With the magic words, of course! Add the words 'Quick Colors' to any collection to add them to your 'Quick Colors' tab. Check out the short clip below for a full demonstration! (1)-Jul-16-2021-06-32-50-87-PM

Note: You'll need to click out of the box and back in for these changes to take effect.