Let's take a look at how the color selection tool works in Details!
So we're all on the same page, here's a short glossary of terms we're going to use in this article:
- Hue: This is the dominant attribute of any given color
- Saturation: This is the intensity of any given color. For example, blush and bright pink are both hues of pink, with varying saturations.
- Opacity: This is how transparent or opaque any given color is.
- Modal: This is what pop-out windows within any software are called, we'll use this word a lot when referencing 'the Color Selector modal', for example.
Navigating the Color Selector
- Navigating: Use the 'More' drop-down menu in the top-right of the modal window to switch between the various views within the Color Selector.
- Options: You'll notice options listed at the top of the modal and buttons along the bottom. Let's define each of these options here:
- Add to Selection: Add the currently selected color in the Preview window to your Color Palette for your Event
- Add to Favorites: Save the currently selected color in the Preview window to your favorites for easy access in the 'Favorites' tab. See 'Favorites' below for more information!
- Add to Collection: Save the currently selected color in the Preview window to a new or existing collection. Using this option will take you to the 'Collections' area of the Color Selector. See 'Collections' below for more information.
- Quick Colors: Click the rabbit icon in the bottom-left of the modal to jump to the Quick Colors
- Done: If you want to exit the modal without adding the currently selected color in the Preview window, click 'Done' at the bottom. Then, a pop-up modal will appear asking Would you like to select the last color you were viewing?'. To add the last color viewed in the Preview window, click 'Yes Please'. If you don't want to add the last viewed color, just click 'No Thanks'!
Quick Colors
As mentioned above, the Quick Colors can be accessed by clicking the rabbit icon in the bottom-left of any view of the Color Selector modal. Here, you'll find a preset group of common colors that can be selected and added to your Event palette!
The Quick Colors can be edited by any user, by including the phrase 'Quick Colors' in any color collection title. You could have a 'Spring Quick Colors' collection and a 'Fall Quick Colors' collection, and because they both include the magic words, all the colors from both collections will be included in your Quick Colors (replacing the presets).
In the Palette tab of the Color Selector, you have the following tools to select the perfect colors for your Event:
- Hue: The slider on the right can be dragged up or down to select from any of the various hues available.
- Saturation: After selecting the desired hue, use the selector within the large square panel to select the desired saturation.
- Opacity: The slider at the bottom of the panel adjusts the selected color's opacity or transparency. Sliding from right to left will increase transparency, and sliding back to the right will increase the opacity of the selected color.
Colors can be located and selected by various color codes. Use the 'Input' view to access colors using any of the following options:
- Pantone
Auto Detect
Enter the code you'd like to use into the 'Auto Detect' field, and, if the code exists, the color will pull up automatically and display in the 'Preview' window in the top-left of the modal.
In this field, you'll enter a number between 0 and 1 to set the opacity of any entered color. For example, enter '0.5' to set the opacity to 50%.
Calculated Color Codes
In the lower section of this view is a display showing any color codes matching the color in the 'Preview' window.
From Image
Use this view to select colors from any image. Need to pull colors from an inspiration photo? This is exactly the right tool for the job!
Follow these steps to select colors from an image:
- Click the 'Choose Image' button to upload a photo from your computer, or paste the URL to the photo into the 'From Internet' field.
- Drag the square-shaped selector around the uploaded image until you locate a desired color.
- Colors to the left side of the panel are the most prominent colors from the image overall, and colors next to the detailed preview (above the 'Choose Image' button) are the most prominent colors within the selected area.
- Select the desired color and then refer to any of the available options to add or save.
The 'Suggestions' view included multiple forms of complimentary colors to the currently selected color. Use this view to fill out color palettes with complementary colors!
Using the drop-down arrow to the right side of any of the selections will present the following options:
- Favorite All: This will add every color in the selected group to your 'Favorites' view. Learn more about 'Favorites' below.
- Create Collection: This will add every color in the selected group to a new collection of colors. Learn more about 'Collections' below.
Colors can be individually favorited from any view of the Color Selector using the 'Add to Favorites' button at the top of the modal, or they can be favorited in groups (as mentioned above in the 'Suggestions' section)
Your favorite colors are saved on an individual user basis, so they're not shared across your organization. Select any saved color and click 'Add to Selection' to add it to your current palette. Remove favorited colors by selecting one and clicking the red 'Remove From Favorites' next to the Preview window.
Your favorites can also all be added to a new collection by clicking the drop-down arrow to the right side of the selection.
Colors can be individually added to new or existing collections from any view of the Color Selector using the 'Add to Collection' button at the top of the modal, or they can be added in groups (as mentioned above in the 'Favorites' and 'Suggestions' sections).
Rename collections by clicking the pencil icon to the left of the listed name. Any unnamed collection will default to 'Unnamed Collection'. Naming any collection to include the phrase 'Quick Colors' will automatically add the collected colors to the 'Quick Colors' (accessible from any screen by clicking the rabbit icon in the bottom-left of the modal). Read more about the 'Quick Colors' section near the top of this article.
Collections can be cleared out by clicking the drop-down arrow to the right side of the collection and selecting 'Remove All'.
In the 'History' tab, you can access the last 60 colors you viewed in the 'Preview' window at the top of the modal!