Though we hope this is few and far between, we understand that there may be times you need to issue a refund to your client.
To issue a refund, you must access your Stripe dashboard, as Details invoicing is powered through Stripe. Here's how to get to your Stripe dashboard:
Click the three lines in the upper left-hand corner of the screen to open the main menu
Select 'Company'
Select 'Financials'
On the resulting screen, click 'Stripe Dashboard' on the right-hand side of the screen under the 'Gateway Setup' section of the page
Once you have navigated to Stripe, follow these steps:
Find the charge to be refunded on the Payments overview page.
Click 'Refund' in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
Enter the amount to be refunded. The default is a full refund. For a partial refund, enter a different amount to be refunded.
Select a reason for the refund. If you select Other, you must provide an explanatory note attached to the refund.
Click Refund.