Account Information: Subscription Payments

View all of your past subscription payments in one simple location.

To access the Subscription Payments page, click the Main Menu and select 'Settings' > 'Subscription.' Click the 'History' option in the top right-hand corner to view your Subscription History on the resulting page.

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Here, you will see your previous subscription payments. This will include payments for your base subscription and any additional features you may have added to your account. You can use the drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner of the 'Payments' section to filter the results by subscription type. 

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In the 'Payments' section, you can select the payment receipt you want to view by clicking on that row. This will populate the receipt information on the right-hand side within the 'Receipt' section. You can print off the receipt using the 'Print' button in the top right-hand corner of the' Receipt' section. 

🗒️ The first time you access this page, your payments must be synced. This can take up to 10 minutes to complete, and you will see this message:

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If you see this message, you can leave and come back to view your payments once they have synced.